The following suggestions will aid you in preparing for your office move and allow a quicker set-up at your new location.
3-weeks prior to moving:
- Establish a Move Coordinator to liaise with the departments involved e.g. Telecommunications, Facilities, ATUS, etc.
- Request packing boxes, tape, & dispensers from Space Administration x5479.
- Pack all books, files, documents, folders, etc that will not be required until after moving.
- Empty only lateral file cabinets. Letter & legal size cabinets can be moved full.
- Color tag all boxes and furniture with names and new room numbers. Different colors for each new location makes moving easier.
- Use a scaled drawing to layout your new office with positions of desks, tables, file cabinets, etc. This will assist us in setting up your office.
- Sequentially number all multiple pieces of furniture.
- Advise the Physical Plant of any fixtures, furniture, pictures, etc that will require disassembly on the day before moving.
2-weeks prior:
- Request additional packing boxes if necessary.
- Continue packing books, documents, folders, files, etc.
1-week prior:
- Pack all personal and desktop items, empty all desk drawers.
1-day prior:
- Pack your keyboard, mouse, speakers, telephone, small plants, & transport them to your new location together with personal and fragile belongings e.g. the macaroni picture frame, or the urn with Aunt Phoebe’s ashes!
- Ensure that the Physical Plant has disassembled fixtures and furniture.